Situational Humorous Response Questionnaire (SHRQ)
Rod A. Martin & Herbert M. Lefcourt
Self-report scale
The SHRQ consists of 21 items. The first 18 items each contain a brief description of an ordinary life situation (e.g., “If you were eating in a restaurant with some friends, and the waiter accidentally spilled a drink on you…”). Respondents are asked to indicate the degree to which they would typically laugh if they were in that situation, using a scale from 1 (“I would not have been particularly amused”) to 5 (“I would have laughed heartily”). The last 3 items ask about the overall degree to which the respondent is easily amused and laughs in a wide range of situations.
Number of Items
21 items
The degree to which the individual tends to be amused and to laugh easily in a wide range of situations.
Adults and adolescents

The SHRQ has been used in research on sense of humor as a stress-moderator and the association between sense of humor and both mental and physical health.

Note: The author indicates that the SHRQ is less prefered to more recently developed tests and recommends that for trait measures of sense of humor to use the Humor Styles Questionnaire or the State-Trait Cheerfulness Inventory-Trait Version.

5 minutes
Contact Rod Martin at
Validity & Reliability Information
Internal consistencies of .70 to .85. Evidence of validity includes significant correlations with peer ratings of humor, rated funniness of humorous monologues, frequency of laughter in interviews and daily diaries, and scores on other self-report measures of humor, self-esteem, psychological well-being, coping, etc.
Reference Articles

Martin, R. A. (1996). The Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ) and Coping Humor      Scale (CHS): A decade of research findings. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, 9,      251-272.

Martin, R. A., & Lefcourt, H. M. (1984). Situational Humor Response Questionnaire: Quantitative      measure of sense of humor. Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 47, 145-155.

Online Materials
                      1984 Instructions                                 Two Sample Items